Let's be Friends <3 Stay Connected?

Hello lovelies <3 
             I have just recently made a twitter so we can stay in contact and so it's easier to tell everyone when I've posted a new blog post . I know I haven't been blogger for a long time but I'm always interested in how I can help even if it's in the smallest way possible :). I really would love to hear what you'd like to see me blog, video etc etc so please feel free to follow me subscribe to me and all those lovely things :) 

Twitter : @Dollfacekaylynn
Instagram: @dollfacekaylynn
Business inquires: makeupbykaylynndoll@gmail.com 
Facebook page: kaylynndoll 

I post more makeup looks on my Instagram just because it's easier for me :)
Twitter you can always reach me if you have any suggestions or questions 
I honestly really don't get on Facebook but still feel free to message me :) 

Business only please at makeupbykaylynndoll@gmail.com 

Thank you to everyone that honestly takes time out of their day to read my post it honestly means so much to me <3 


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