Late Sunday Chitchat

Hey there beauties <3! I know I say this all the time but I apologize for the lack of post I've just seriously been so busy . 

I promise post 7-9 will be up tomorrow :) so be on the look out! How was everyone's weekend? I'm seriously thinking about doing Vlogmas instead of blogging the month of December but I kind of want to keep doing the DMC's I might end up doing both I also forgot to upload my get to know me tag video but it will be up for sure this week so be on the look out for that :) my YouTube URL will be posted down below along with my Instagram and everything else I always add it at the bottom of my post I'm not sure if everyone see's that part since I'm posting on mobile :). 

Diet update? So sadly after I lost almost 30 pounds I quit working out not by choice but because I ended up getting so busy with things I've been trying to balance out dieting while I'm so busy but I honestly miss working out I'm thinking about going to the gym with my mom .. Working out is her thing :p she's also got a blog about running and such here on blogger :)! 

I want to upload some holiday tutorials or looks while I can so if you have any you'd like to see please let me know :)! I will probably end up making them videos and then blogging about them .

So I got to do some holiday shopping with my grandma yesterday and I went to sephora and purchased the naked 2 palette I know I'm behind on the trend haha I just couldn't justify spending $52 dollars for one palette I got a $15 off card so it ended up being $38 instead which was Amazeballs :p! I also went to kohls and discovered that they sell Lorac cosmetics and the Lorac pro palette was only $36 that's the cheapest I've seen it anywhere I plan on getting it next time I go I'm in love with that palette I've swatched it over a million times haha it's just so buttery smooth and the colors are beautiful! My kohls also sells The Balm Cosmetics which I had no clue but I was freaking excited! If you want to splurge on yourself I suggest going to Kohls and getting some amazing deals :). 

Thank you for reading my post, subscribing and giving me feedback <3

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Questions? Product reviews? More? Feel free to message me <3 




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