To-Do App worth Fownloading :CLARO

Hey, y'all! I'm back again with another quick and short post. I hope everyone is having a FANTASTIC! Thanksgiving Holiday and we all get to Gobble Gobble until we wobble!! I know I sure am LOL! Anywho I just wanted to jump on here today to let everyone know about this AWESOME to-do app before I proceed yes I know I know there's like a million of those crazy things and they all promise this and they promise that blah de blah blah blah *insert the SASSIEST of the sassiest eyerolls here* and trust me if you are ANYTHING like myself you have probably already spent a good two weeks downloading every single one from the app store and testing them out one by one to discover you hate them all... However, I have a solution and its called CLARO! DUNNNNDUNDAAAAA! the app is still in the testing phase I will insert the link where you can sign up to the beta test and I promise you will most def fall in love with this app it's super easy to use VERY user-friendly. Very customizable to your needs. And down right to-do-y! 

Private Beta Testing Link: 


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